Child of the Wilderness

Last week at school seemed so long even though we had Monday off. Actually, basically just Friday was long.

On Wednesday typesetting classes, I’m sure that our class is high on ink-thinning solution fumes (having just come from press class) because it seems like even the tiniest thing is hilarious in that class. Like Ranjit was laughing at something and she snorted, and then that made me laugh to the point of tears. And then on Friday’s class, our teacher made a joke about transformers and then my thoughts were brought to my beloved childhood “Cheetor”. Ranjit said that she’d never had transformers as a kid and then Alessandra said, “hah, all you had was your curry-doll!” So all three of us were seriously inconsolable after that. Tyler must think we’re mentally handicapped or something because all we do in that class is laugh and deface his attendance sheets. (Don’t worry, don’t worry, we listen to his lectures and get A’s, too.)

I went to Sundog Printing with Roslyn on Thursday for the interview. Aw man, the person we interviewed, Mandy, was so funny! For some reason I always think of people in terms of who else they remind me of, and she totally reminded me of my crazy cousin Keely and my African dance teacher Amanda (at ITD). So yeah, that project was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.

Right now I’m at kind of… a point of… indecision. The one thing I do know is that I don’t know what the hell to do next year. This year at SAIT has been good and I’ve learned a lot, but is next year going to be more of the same? I don’t think I want to work in the print industry, but I do want to work in the graphics industry. I think I’m looking at Mount Royal for next year, but the cost, the cost!! How can school be so damn expensive in Alberta, one of the richest provinces? Everyone should just refuse to go to post secondary one year and just get jobs wherever they possibly could. I wonder if that would even affect tuition prices at all.

Well, anyhow, on Friday night I went to Phantom of the Opera with Kim. I’d only heard a few of the songs before and I didn’t really know the story, but wow! It was so pretty! It’s hard to believe that Emmy Rossum is only two days older than me (and she’s younger than Kim)! I loved that movie so much.

Also I’m presently obsessed with this song (Learn to be Lonely) for some reason; the song that is played during the credits of Phantom of the Opera.

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