Pretty Miserable
This entry might be a bit rushed. I’m leaving for Lethbridge in the morning so I have to pack tonight and finish my math and home ec. homework. I’m doing my notes in the car. Yesterday we performed at the nursing home, which was fun but hot, just like last year. Like Veronica said, “That ceiling is so low! I hit it, like, five times!” It was funny. Today was pretty miserable for me… well, all week was. I am so incredibly sick that even L.A. wasn’t purely fun. (Which is really saying something.) I died coughing in math and science… it was bad. Yesterday when we were playing baseball, it took me ten times to hit that stupid ball when I was up to bat. The combination of the sun in my eyes, sensitive from the cold, and the fact that I suck at baseball did me in. In social today I finished early and marked tests with Mrs. McLean and Laura, Mike, Kris, Alli and Jordan. I really wanted to finish my hoodie in home ec. but I couldn’t. Oh well, hello late marks. I’m going to do my scrapbook when I’m in Lethbridge because I think it’s due really soon.