One Million Hours
I finished my book, Daughters of Eve, this morning. It was written by Lois Duncan. She’s a great author.
I had a shower and then went to Musical Theatre. Kim and I ran warm up. Musical Theatre is more fun than it’s been before. I worked on my essay when I got home.
At church I was in the nursery, and we had the four J’s: Jenna, Jacob, Jonathan and Jarrett. They’re so cute. Jonathan repeats everything I say. I think he’ll be very smart when he gets older. Well, I don’t know how he could be anything else with Sarah and Andrew as siblings. Those two would beat me so, so easily at Jeopardy. I went to McDonalds with Kris and Whitney afterwards. Then we went to Whit’s house. She has this neat M&M phone. Kristen called Chantel on it and talked for a million hours while Whitney and I threw a football at eachother.