True Emotions

All in all, I’d say that my five-day weekend was pretty cool. The highlights undoubtedly would have to be movie night on Wednesday and grad dress shopping on Thursday. I still haven’t gotten a dress but I’m not too worried (yet…)

Something has been kind of troubling me ever since I went babysitting on Sunday. There was this little girl there, I’ve known her for quite a while (and by known I mean more ‘known of’) and seriously, you will never find a sweeter girl. I’m not exactly sure of her age but I would guess ten or eleven. Anyways, the thing that’s got me troubled is that I have no way of conveying to her that I think she’s a top-notch kid and to keep it up. But… I don’t know, it would seem weird if I just said it, considering I’m not positive that she even knows my name. And even if it wouldn’t be weird, I still wouldn’t be able to do tell her because it has come to my attention that I rather suck at conveying my true emotions to other people.

Like, take this afternoon for example. Katie asked me for help with her French homework, I was thrilled. Overjoyed that anyone would ask me of all people for help with their homework; especially Katie and especially French. However, there is no way she could have possibly implied how happy I was because I am seemingly incapable of emotion!!

Unless I am at church, where I seem to have an abundance of it, and embarrassingly so. I need… I need an emotion regulator!

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