
Here’s a basic overview of my whole day since it’s been a while since I’ve done that.

Alright, my day started off just like any other day until I got to the bus stop. There was this guy, standing a bit behind our high school bus group, wearing bright yellow jacket and a vacant expression. And I would probably not have noticed him but for his excessive spitting. Now my friends, I have known spitters before, but nothing like this guy. He was standing there, slightly bent over, and every so often he’d make a sound akin to growling for three full seconds and then spit on the ground. If it would have stopped there, I still wouldn’t have thought much of it. But he didn’t stop there; in fact, he continued to repeat the aforementioned process seventeen times. I counted after he reached three. Essentially, he just dribbled for the entire time I was there. I was thoroughly sick by the time I got on the bus. People like that should be shipped off to a desert island and/or swiftly decapitated.

Anyways, once I was away from the ‘spitter’…

Mondays are finally great because of double spare. So I had my spare first period, which I spent in the LRC doing my homework (which I technically should have done over the weekend) and listening to Scott and Ryan plan out their popsicle stick bridge project. It’s pretty funny listening to them. They have a limit on how many sticks they can use… I forget how many; three hundred I think? In any case, they have to build it so well that it eventually will be able to support one or both of them standing on it. I think that’s bloody impressive for a bridge made of cheap wood, dental floss and white glue.

Next came math, in which I am so bad because I moved two desks to the left to sit in front of Selby. Oh, the rebellion. We got our quizzes from Friday back, and I got seventy-five percent. Not great, but like I care, considering they’re hardly worth anything at all. Something funny though—on one of the ceiling tiles where past classes have signed, there’s a corner of one that says, ‘if thou prayest, thou shalt receive a fire alarm.’ That made me laugh! There’s not a whole lot more to report about math class.  Mr. Ahenda is still cool.

Then, the joys of multimedia. I was actually semi-productive today, finishing two sections of our nice, pointless Photoshop project. I should be able to finish everything by Wednesday (hopefully) and then we start Flash! I might finally learn something new!

Lunch was lunch. I bought a chocolate bar. I haven’t lost any weight this week but I haven’t been sticking to my rules very well. Maybe once I start yoga with my art friends I will be able to drop a few before Greece. (Speaking of, I am so excited!)

In fifth period I had the other part of my double spare. I went to Second Cup with Nick, although I don’t think he said one thing the entire time. I beat him in the conversation department—I said all of seven words. Go me. When we got back from that I went to the office to get a spare card since the administrators are never in the cafeteria like the announcements say they are. So now I have a bright pink sticker on the back of my student card that says five, six. I feel so special, you have no idea.

In biology we watched one of those educational videos that has the ‘teacher’ and the two over-achieving ‘students’ trying to teach the material. Those stupid movies amuse me to no end. The acting is so, so, so terrible. As though they couldn’t have gotten true drama students to do that. Instead, they had the nerdy-est kids in whatever school make the videos. You don’t actually need to know the material, you just need to memorize the lines so that it looks like you know what the hell you’re talking about. Take it from me, the English AP student and master crap flinger.

After school I went to life drawing which was fun even though today was a ‘bad drawing’ day for me. I get those occasionally. When I got home my brother gave me a note from Nick (since I wasn’t on the bus on the way back). It seemed like he’d taken off like he always said he would. I don’t know if he’d actually do it. He left me the metal tag he always wore, asked me to hang on to it for him. As it turns out, he wasn’t able to go for a reason that I don’t fully believe. I don’t know what to believe and what not to anymore.

I can’t help thinking how romantic it would be, just to leave one day without a trace. I haven’t ever considered doing it, but I’ve imagined it. Maybe it would be compelling for a week or so… and then I’d just want to go back home. I admire Nick for having guts like he does, but I really wonder if he’d be making a mistake. There are people who love him here, but I guess he just wants more. Normally I’d be thinking that I failed him but I tried my best and that’s all I can expect from myself anyways.

What will happen tomorrow in the exciting life of Colette? Will the spitter break his standing record of seventeen disgusting dribbles? Will she pass Monday’s math quiz? Tune in next week; same bat time, same bat channel.

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