
Crappy mood. Need escapist novel…

It was shaping up to be an okay day, you know? Apart from damn near missing my bus this morning, things were going alright. I got a seat on the train, which is unheard of. And this morning Gregg was in again so Sara and Gregg and I went down to the caf in the morning for a coffee break, it was excellent.

Actually, now that I think of it, things only started getting crappy after I learned that there is a great deal of mass-phoning in my near future. I… hate… phoning… people… I feel like throwing up… hate phoning!! Augh! I also don’t like this overwhelmed, urgent feeling I have now about my job. I mean, I like ‘to-do’ lists but not when there’s a million things on them…

I should stop complaining, really. On Friday I get to come in later to work because of the parade and on Wednesday a few weeks from now I’m doing field work in Okotoks (Oh my gosh, field opps. just like Jack Bauer!… Wow I’m pathetic…), so that should be fun. I also got free Grand Stand show tickets for Tuesday.

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