Lethal and Young
Alright. This is going to be scattered and maybe a bit angry but I’m having a hard time focusing right now.
The final straw with my multimedia teacher was this morning when he gave me a mark, in my view, too low on the final project. I need ninety or above in that class to swing honours. That, or a decent math mark (haa). And truthfully, I don’t even care about honours that much. My parents are of a far different opinion. Mom chewed me out last night about not trying at all in math, a conclusion she came to because she didn’t see me doing any math homework. It’s not like I’ve absolutely worked my butt off in that class this year, but at least I’m passing the first time around, unlike most other people in my class who are there for the second time and doing only slightly better than me.
Today was my last day of school and I wasn’t even able to enjoy it properly because of all the stress I’ve got about honours and the math and bio exams. It’s seriously not healthy to put us kids through this. I think I’m living in the wrong time period. I’d rather be raising twin six-month-olds right now, no joke. Couple hundred years ago I’d probably be doing just that. But I’d have no computer so that would suck.
Apart from all the crap I’m worried about, today was a pretty cool day. In the morning I emptied out my stuff from the locker and then Katie said I could stash it all in her car, so I did. Then I went to math and did a few trigonometry review questions. Went to multimedia… kind of felt like throwing up when I walked out ten minutes later but then I met up with Steph and Katie. We went to Bad-ass Jacks for lunch, and while Steph was in 7-Eleven, Katie and I drove to another part of the parking lot behind two huge trucks and then put the seats back and hid. It was great fun!!
We went back to the art room after that, and then to biology where Steph and I looked at our class’s beautiful ceiling tile and talked to Mr. Martin one last time. Well, I’d visit him next year so maybe not ‘last’. I went to the library after school to study math with Selby and Kristine and Jess. It helped but I still am going to have to study lots for the multiple choice next week.