Hours of Freedom

So here I am in my last few hours of freedom before I start work tomorrow. This year’s ‘first day of work’ will undeniably be more benign than last year’s. Last summer, I woke up in Quebec City, got on a plane, flew back home, unpacked, went to dinner with a bunch of friends and went to the late showing of Pirates of the Caribbean, to return home around two in the morning and start work the next day at eight. Damn that was awesome. I’d do it again even though my mom was pretty mad.

I was so nervous that day, though. When I went into ATCO a few days ago to do the paperwork, I saw photocopies of the forms I’d filled in last year. The writing was literally bouncy, like I was shaking uncontrollably while I was writing. I probably was. Poor little Colette. I wonder if I’ll seem any different to the people there from last year. Well, I don’t feel any different… not much has changed with me since last summer. Let’s see, last summer I had never played DDR or seen Europe or heard of Frou Frou. I have since graduated, gotten a new camera and computer and that’s… pretty much it. As I perceive it, grade twelve really wasn’t a huge year for personal growth for me. Grades ten and eleven were, but grade twelve was just fun. Next year probably will be, being my first year of post-secondary and all.

SAIT. I hope I made the right choice there. I know it’s a great school and I think I chose that correctly. But I’m starting to wonder if I should be in New Media instead of Digital Graphics. It’s really hard to say. But if I hate my courses next year I’ll just transfer into New Media and all will be good, so what am I so worried about? Guh. Just looking back on old journal entries, June till October tend to be needlessly stressful months. Stupid. I just need to relax.

I saw Spider-Man 2 with Jen yesterday. It was pretty good I thought. Can’t decide if I liked the first or second better. The ending of the second was better regarding Mary-Jane, but not regarding the resolution of the plot. (Ha, there’s no way to stop it… except throw it in the river… yes, that should work! Tra-la-la!)

Well my friends, I think I am going to go cherish my last couple hours of freedom from work by watching 24. Cheers.

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