So tonight Mark and I went with the BBC youth group to Laser Quest—it was so fun! We played two games, with a round of DDR in between. It was Disney DDR, though, so I blame our failing on the last level on my being distracted by the pulsating Dewey Duck in the background of the arrows. Luckily we were able to find a song that wasn’t completely Disney related—Mortal Kombat is cooler anyways…
The first round of laser quest went alright for me. I placed twenty-third out of thirty-four people. Not great but not a complete slaughter, considering I don’t think I’ve played that game since the last time Kim went there for her birthday party (which was likely in junior high).
The complete slaughter came later on, in game number two. I personally found it hilarious that a list of Pokemon was posted at the desk where you register your codename, so it was actually ‘Charmander’ that was slaughtered in the second game. Although, Squirtle (Mark) and Bulbasaur (Dillon) were pretty much massacred too. Hehe!