Going So Well
Things have been going so well for me lately. I have the best classes/teachers ever. I’ve formally stopped wearing mascara to school, because every single day I laugh so hard at something that I start to cry. And we all know mascara and crying do not go well together! I don’t know why funny things have that effect on me… but I guess I’m known for it, especially on the bus. There were so many times that Crazy Dave had me in tears. I miss that guy! But yeah, Jamie and Chase in my French class are so hilarious. I’m pretty sure some people just think they’re stupid, but sometimes stupid things are the funniest. (ex. Monty Python! The epitome of stupid, the epitome of funny.)
But the way things are right now, I find myself constantly smiling just because of… everything! I blame it mostly on Miss Van der Poel’s freaking contagious grin, and my kitty who mews at me until I pick her up. I got a sparkler in bio for my birthday from her! (My teacher, not my cat, whom we named Evie!) That was first period, and I was already happy because I’d just talked to Janet in the hall. She’s so great, but most times I just feel so stupid around her. She asked me a question in French and I asked her to repeat it because the halls are noisy and hard to hear in even if you’re not talking in a foreign language. But I still didn’t understand and I don’t even get why because it was a simple question, not inverted or anything as far as I can remember… maybe I was just caught off guard. But in any case, she’s told me before that I don’t come off to her as an utter retard even if she didn’t word it exactly that way. And I hope she’s not just saying it.
We handed in our shields today in social. There are actually a lot of good artists in my class for me to be jealous of. And then there’s me: every project is an art project. Heh. I spent so long colouring my shield. I need Prisma Colours… Lauentians aren’t cutting it anymore. They’re all old and short now anyways. Kim drew me this so so funny birthday picture! I love her!
My kitten has more energy than Dillon on New Years’ Eve, and that’s definitely saying something. I have scratches all down my arms from when she goes into search-and-destroy mode. But everything she does is so cute! Come to my house and see her! (But call me first. Hehe!)
“You hit Mark with a stop sign? How did you even get that thing out of the ground, go power tool on it, Kim?” —Vee