You See, Well, I’m Feeling Lucky

Oh well, maybe that’s just me.

This past week has been uncommonly good for me!

At D&D last Monday I sure did roll two natural 20s in a row, one of them a critical hit. And Mike, holy! He was hitting on almost every turn! Super fun. We killed the boss and next time will probably have a roleplay-heavy session, which I’m really excited for.

On Tuesday I went to Value Village with Kristen and Alaina to buy my dress for Poor Man’s Prom, our youth event on Friday. I tried on some pretty tacky dresses but ended up with one that was falling apart but only borderline tacky. It was a great night though, we talked about boys and babies (Kristen’s future babies) and I realized how much I needed a girly night. We’re planning on doing a roadtrip over a weekend in July, probably to Great Falls in Montana. It’s going to be rad!

Since hanging out with Jeff Green, “rad” has reappeared in my vocabulary and I don’t regret it!

Anyways, Wednesday the pressure was on because Josh was letting me practice driving using is shiny red lovely car. I was fully convinced that I was going to crash it into something. Because with my luck, if I had to crash a car, it wouldn’t be dad’s ’97 Camry… it’d be this one. Happily, I didn’t crash any cars. We made it all the way to My Favourite Ice Cream Shop in one piece, only running one stop sign! Fun, fun night.

Thursday was frisbee as usual. I feel like I’m sucking a bit less than normal these days, so that’s pretty cool. We went to Mac’s after but didn’t win the lottery. What the heck?

Then on Friday, Poor Man’s Prom at youth. It was awesome, even better than I thought it’d be. The whole basement was decorated, dark and lit up with little lights. It was beautiful! We had karaoke and a popcorn machine and it was just great. Afterwards I watched Windstruck (a Korean romantic comedy) with Josh and I loved it!

Then finally it was Saturday. Zach and I started with 2 hours of archery in the morning. I sucked for the first hour but was getting pretty darn good by the second. The targets we use have white on the outside, then black, blue, red and a yellow bull’s-eye. We nicknamed them white trash, black knight, blue crush, red death and yellow fever. Then all around the target is orange, which we refer to as “damn it!” So when we have a bad round, for example missing the target, then barely hitting the target, and missing again, we exclaim “damn it, white trash, damn it!” It is very funny!

After that there was a BBQ at the church and I got to see lots of cutie Nathan, and also… Sammy! Practiced some more driving with Josh afterwards to kill some time before church, and I have to say, I am loving this thing we’re doing with having discussion after the service. It adds a level of depth to the whole experience. We all went to Boston Pizza after the service (and Dennis was even okay with it!).

On Sunday I met up with Lisa to talk about what she wants her website to look like. She liked the model I put together so that’s awesome! I have a grand, grand vision in my head for this site. I hope I can realize it. It’ll be so pretty.

So, Sunday afternoon grocery shopping. Bad idea. Noted.

I learned how to make tuna buns on Sunday night and then mom and dad came to my place to help me hang my shelves and mirror and pictures. I’m so excited that my room is starting to near completion!

And that was my week. Wow, June is going to be great!

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3 Responses

  1. DaveC says:

    I approve of any usage of the word “rad”. I’d also like to bring back “cowabunga” and “gnarly”, though I haven’t had as much success with those.

    Sunday afternoon grocery shopping is something that everyone should experience once, it’s important that we did it. And then, never again.

  2. Kristen says:

    I’m glad that you clarified and said my future babies. 😉

    I had fun hanging with you and Alaina and am so looking forward to Montana. We should get together (all three of us) next week (or soonish) to plan stuff!

  3. Miriam says:

    Roadtrips! I love road trips…and yeah for cooking!

    Sunday afternoon grocery shopping seems OK here in Ottawa – maybe it’s just the time of day I go…haha.

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