What Follows Me

As the whitest lace of light
      has led me to this place, where I belong

I got my driver’s license. I realize that being happy about this is like being proud of a normal-but-lazy 8-year-old who finally decided it was time to take his first steps. But, I am happy. Next on the list is to buy a car manufactured just barely in this millennium so I can at last drive myself home from youth group. And maybe even to D&D. Won’t that be great?

Josh said he could tell I passed when he saw me skipping outside the registry. I know I should walk sedately beside my Capricorn man, but life is too exciting for that sometimes.

The intrigue of this week is going to be my amazing St. Paddy’s party at Josh’s on Wednesday. I bought some Irish drinking songs and tomorrow we’ll pick up some Guinness… oh it’ll be awesome. Lots of people are coming and I can’t wait to decorate!

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