Whisper To Me Sweetly Now

And tell me I will never die… unloved.

Has it really been over a month?

November was pretty great. I’m not practicing guitar like I should be, but I did get to use my telescope a few times. I went to A Christmas Carol a Theatre Calgary and it was amazing as usual (but not as amazing as it was two years ago!) and saw my friends a bit too. This time of year is so busy, you kind of have to cherish the few hours you get.

It pleases me to report that I am now bilingual in French. Actually, that’s a gross overstatement. On Thursday I installed the Rosetta Stone software and did a few of the lessons. I’m not blown away, so far, with how wonderful this program is, like the website testimonies describe, but it’ll do for now. At the end of French 30, I felt like I could build a sentence to say whatever I wanted to get across, but that feeling is long gone now. I’m hoping that all the verb rules and tenses will come back to me once I listen to French more.

As of 11:30am, I am 22 years, 2 months, 22 days, 2 hours and 22 minutes old. Cool as that is, I suppose it’s pretty inconsequential unless you care to get philosophical.

Which I don’t, today, except to wonder if it’s normal that I ponder my own death automatically, just for a few seconds, every time I wake up. Not in a morbid sense; not the how and why of it, just that relatively speaking, it is imminent. Is 2008 really almost over? This year flew by! A best-case-scenario 60 more years of life doesn’t seem very long in that regard.

I guess it reminds me to make the most of things.

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