So This Is The New Year

And I don’t feel any different!

Happy New Year!

Well I’ve got to say, from where I’m standing, 2007 looks like it will be pretty great. The big things for me will be of course going to Europe and going back to school, but lots of other great things will happen, too! Like… at least two people I know will be having babies (and I’m great at predicting so I’m going to say Amber’s will be a boy and Seana’s will be a girl) and my friend from the US is getting an article published. If that’s not cool, nothing is. And great movies and music will be coming out too. I suppose that’s true of every year… but still.

And by the way, everyone calling me Sparky on Saturday was at least a 6 on the scale!

I don’t really know what I can say specifically as an encouragement for 2007… so just have a great one! Let’s rely on each other and set pride aside. And anyway, 7 is a great number so 2007 should be even better, right?

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