I Saw It All From My Bubble on the 15th Floor

Something was telling me that this would shape my destiny…

This week was pretty cool because lots of little cool things happened.

I can’t remember what night it was, but on either Monday or Tuesday I found three CDs that I burned when I was in grade seven. I stayed up until 2am listening to them! It was the strangest experience! I must have deleted them at some point, because in most cases I hadn’t heard the songs in probably four years. Several of the songs I’d forgotten they even existed. And you know, it was almost haunting. I’d hear a song, wonder what it was and then find that I still knew all the words. I wondered why I deleted some of them, because half the time I was thinking, “I love this song!” but… I am fickle in nothing but music. If a song comes up too often in the random shuffle, I get mad and delete it… eheh… good thing I stopped doing that. It was like a music time capsule, though. Really quite cool. Listening to Dive by dc Talk, I totally got a pang of nostalgia. That’s one of the songs that makes Jr. High flash in front of my eyes in one solid stream.

C’est drôle, la vie… quand on est gamin, le temps n’en finit pas de se trainer, et puis du jour au lendemain, on a cinquante ans, comme cela… Et l’enfance, tout ce qu’il en reste, cela tient dans une petite boîte rouillée…
— Dominique Bretodeau (Amelie)

Awe, so my friend André got to go see Imogen Heap (of Frou Frou, love it) in Cologne. So lucky, he even got to meet her!! I hope I get to meet her someday too!

For some reason that brings to mind one time a few years ago when I was playing ‘two truths and a lie’ with Dillon and Alexis. I said ‘My favourite singer is British…’ and Dillon instantly said, ‘That one’s true—’. So endearing somehow. I must have mentioned it and he remembered. Awe! Actually, that statement will still stand even if Katie Melua overtakes Imogen Heap as my favourite singer… she’s really giving her a run for her money these days.

Thursday had to be the pinnacle of my trainmastery skills. We’d just gotten our dump of snow, so I was fully expecting the journey to work to be terrible like it always is when the weather gets bad. But no, my bus was on time. Now there was just the train to deal with. I prepared to wait for at least two trains to pass me by because they were too packed to get on. Lo and behold… the first train that came was almost completely empty. I was floored but very happy — I mean, they must have started a train at Canyon Meadows to compensate for the crowds, right? I thought that, but the woman sitting across from me was also incredulous at the situation. “This train started at Somerset. I got on there. It’s supposed to be jam-packed by now! What’s going on?” she asked me. We actually talked for the whole way into downtown about how we couldn’t believe how this could happen. Was it a holiday and we didn’t know about it? Had downtown been destroyed without our knowing? No, we just lucked out hardcore, because when I got into work everyone else was complaining about how suffocating the trains were that morning. Just wow.

I went to Kim’s art show 3/4 last night and it was faaaantastic. Oh man. Such good stuff! It all looks professional. They don’t need another whole year, haha! I can’t wait to go to her end-of-fourth-year show. It was so cool to meet her art school friends. Sometimes I wish I would have gone…

Another train story, because I spend 8% of each day on them… it only stands to reason. So when I was getting on the train today, a girl said, “Hey!” behind me. I didn’t know if she was talking to me so I turned around but didn’t recognize anyone. One girl was looking at me rather meaningfully but honestly… her face didn’t look familiar at all. Maybe a little, but not really. Still, she kept looking at me while the train was going, so I was just tryyying to think who this could possibly be. I noticed she was carrying a bible so that narrowed it down a bit. After quite a while I thought maybe it was a girl from my French 20 class, but her hair was a lot shorter than it was then. A lot shorter. So it made me think of Evey from V for Vendetta, near the end when she said she saw someone she knew in a store and they looked right at her but didn’t recognize her. At the time I thought that was dumb and that people would still know it was her. But after today… I’m not so sure.

This morning there were birds in the rafters of the Anderson platform. Isn’t it kind of cold? Very strange to hear chirping while the snow is falling.

One of the greatest things about this week was that they trained the new girl on phones at work. I love her. I don’t know her but I love her because she is trained on phones. It means I have to cover less! Even if she has an Alliance rogue, I still love her. Even if she likes Times New Roman, I still love her. Love love love!

Sometime in the near future, I want to watch again: Prince of Egypt, Moulin Rouge and Mean Girls. And I want to watch the Notebook too, but I haven’t seen that one. Apparently it’s a cryfest! And I want to watch Amelie with Kim because I think she’d like it. Nino looks like Eric at some angles. And it’s an awesome movie. That is all.

PS: Calgary Flames own all! 6-2, so awesome! Fun game to watch! Poor Amonte though, all his goals got refused. Oh well, at least we wonnn!

“I love being an elemental shammie… people don’t expect me to be, so it gives me the advantage. It’s great to take the road less walkened. Uh… traveled.” — Mike

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