How Can I Turn Away?
The future is no place
to place your better days
Well, the busy-ness of June never ceases to floor me. I can count only five days on my calendar this month that don’t have two things written on them! I sort of can’t wait for June to be over because being so busy really sets an introvert like me on edge.
Who can (ever) say it better than Andy Stanley? “You have had weeks of your life (or months of your life) that you you liked every individual thing on the calendar, but you hated the whole month because there was so much on it!”
I don’t know if I’d say I “hate” this month, but there is definitely some stress involved, gosh. I have this week planned in such intricate detail that it is rivaled only by my Grade 12 final exam week schedule (both of which have things like “take shower” written on them). Oh, what a comfort my beloved schedules are to me.
Very, very sorry for anyone/thing that slips through the cracks this month.