Guys, This is a Blues Riff in B

Watch me for the changes and try to keep up.

Where are the brakes on this thing? I think it’s usual for the first few months of the year to flash by for me, but this is the fastest yet. Since 2008 is already a quarter over (I know, right?) I thought I’d touch on my “resolutions” and make a few more.

Well the first was to get rid of all the junk bogging me down. I did do a thorough clean of my room and combed out all the stuff I don’t think I’ll need anytime soon. However, as a family we haven’t attacked our junk piles around the house yet. So really I have all the same stuff in my room, but a whole corner is at least marked for disposal once we get our act together and are ready to make the big dump. It was a pretty great experience, when asked for this year’s bus passes for my taxes, to just run up and find them all right away! Before the big cleanup… that sure wouldn’t have happened. I have to say it was actually fun going through all the stuff. Seeing all the old cards and valentines and school notes sure brought back good memories. It makes me want to go back, until I remember how happy I am right now, too! Sure some things changed… a lot of things changed. Growing up is hard to do. But I’m still happy like I was back then.

The other part of the Junk Resolution was cleaning up my computer. I got an external hard drive so now I just need to shuffle some files around into a logical system. One thing, I bought two photo albums so while sorting pictures I really want to pick out and print the ones I like best. Because that would be sweet.

What else… cutting down on pop! Definitely have done this. Good job, self! I’m convinced that pop and candy give me bad skin. The next goal is to cut down on buying candy at the store by my office. That place is bloody expensive, and the candy is bad for me. But I love it so much. Maybe only one or two days of the week would be okay.

Then the last thing: time. You know, the funny thing about time is that it fills up with something else as soon as you cut one thing out! But I’m glad, I think I’m making better use of my time. In the case of World of Warcraft (where I share an account with André, which is the best thing ever) there’s been a few changes. Namely the AV for Alliance patch that makes my team actually try now, which is probably making much more difference than the Horde starting closer to Drek. But hey, I’m not complaining. I’m alone on the server even though there’s a massive party on Kel’Thuzad. The thing is that I have flat out no interest in raiding so I don’t really feel driven to transfer. In any case, it means I’m not trying to keep up with anyone like I was before. So, now the game is fun and it relieves stress instead of causing it! (Not that I was stressed about WoW before, but it definitely didn’t feel like a game.) So these days I’m working towards non-set PvP epics, which is going to be much easier now that you can trade marks for honour! Oh, and a cobalt talbuk, because they’re very pretty, just like Nepenthe.

The biggest triumph of time-saving is my TV! I watch one show a week: Lost. Then I occasionally catch Jeopardy, too. It’s great. It’s freedom! It’s sweet not to be ruled by the TV Times schedule. And these days, geez, you can get everything on DVD in a year anyways. I’ll probably watch Heroes and Prison Break eventually. But not right now..!

Another cool time-spender (not really saver) is that I discovered Podcasts. (Getting an iPod for Christmas helped with that!) But yeah, they’re awesome! I can learn stuff (or at least be entertained) while being packed like a sardine on the train. My two very favourite Podcasts are Astronomy Cast and The Definitive Word. I’ll be honest, mostly I just listen to The Definitive Word to listen to the guys’ amazing British accents, but they’re pretty hilarious most of the time too. The big thing is that it gets me thinking in a way that just listening to music wouldn’t. And that’s good because ideas are what I need when I write my book! I love Astronomy Cast too, because I find it so, so interesting.

The other thing I’m listening to on the train isn’t really a Podcast but it’s a kind of empowerment series by Tony Robbins. I just started it but I love it so far. I think it’s just what I need right now… a lot of motivation. He talks about goals and the power of making them, so I want to set some goals for this year that I really want to do!

So, by Christmas of this year, I will…

  1. Learn to drive, get my license, and buy my own car. Even if it’s a piece of crap.
  2. Learn how to play the guitar pretty good.
  3. Buy a telescope and personally locate Saturn and Jupiter and the Pleiades and Sirius and Phobos and Deimos and (write this down!) M-A-R-S. Red rocks!
  4. Step up the art and finish my sweet (secret) vector project, preferably by the beginning of June.

And there you have it.

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