Endlich ein Zuhause fur Deine Wilden Traume

Endlich ein Grund — Los, spring! Zurück auf die Bäume.

I thought that I should write about my trip to Germany now while I still remember it well. Basically I was there for seven days because the 14th and 22nd were mainly spent traveling. Seven shining days with my boy, gifts from God. Long distance relationships are hard but we do what we’ve got to in order to survive. It’s amazing what you can get used to.

So let’s see. On the first day I arrived with my parents and we met André’s parents and drove around Mülheim, André’s city a little. It was raining so we couldn’t walk around much, but that was okay.

The next day we (André and I, my parents and André’s dad) went to Cologne (or Köln, as the signs say) and saw the cathedral. Wow. Google this. It’s amazing to see! In a way it’s just unbelievable that something like this was made at all. Work on building it was interrupted but it took six centuries to build! It was a great way to start off the trip. We also went to a music store in Cologne, the biggest one in Europe! I got some guitar picks after looking wistfully at the 16,000 € guitars. Good times! That evening we had a party at André’s house with some of his friends and family. Aww, his cousin Barbara was there and is she ever cute! She’s three now but I’d seen a picture of her as an infant and thought she was probably the most beautiful baby I’d ever seen. So I was psyched to see her for real! Watching André play with her was extremely heart-melting for me. Anyways, his friends Martin and Steffi were there too, along with Christian and his new-ish girlfriend Sarah. That was a really fun night, we played Settlers (German Settlers!) and their English was great too.

On Saturday morning we went to Krupp Villa Hügel in Essen. It was awesome! It’s kind of funny because my mom works in the same building as ThyssenKrupp downtown so now she’s been to his house! Later on we went to Düsseldorf. Oh man it was so funny! We saw probably fifteen bachelor parties going on in the streets as we walked along in the evening! Düsseldorf really is the party town, and we were there on a Saturday night so I guess we probably saw it at its most lively! Awesome. André wanted to get tuna pizza for supper so we went to this fancy Italian place, only to discover that there was no tuna pizza there. Aww…

My parents hopped a train to Koblenz the next morning so it was just me and André’s family then. That day we took the Straßenbahn to a castle in Mülheim (Schloß Broich) where we took lots of cute pictures! There was a beautiful garden and a duck and pretty fountains! That evening we watched Lost (the first time we watched a new episode together!) and played Magic cards. I’m pretty much a Magic cards expert now. We also watched August Rush which was fun. I love the music in the movie so much. So much!

May 19th was the one year anniversary of the day we met. One whole year! I’m so proud. André took me to Cleves and it was really nice and pretty! Everyone was always so surprised when I said I wanted to go to Cleves. There’s nothing there, there’s nothing to see! Well, I wanted to go anyways and I’m happy we did. It was lovely. Then we drove across the border and spend a while in Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. We got Bailey’s coffee in this cafe, and there were no prices listed. When we asked for the bill, all the guy did was tell us the price – 10 € for 2 coffees, holy crap!! I wonder if he thought I was American! Heh. That evening we met up with Steffi again, in Essen. She’s so funny, I’m glad I got to see her more than once!

The day after that we went to André’s university to get his research paper printed and bound and handed in. It was fun for me to see where he goes every day. I even got to see the PhD student he’s doing his paper under. Fun times! That day was André’s sister’s birthday so we went out for supper and gave her the chocolates we got her in the Netherlands. Aww, I just love his sister, she’s so cute! After dinner we went to André’s friend Martin’s place because his sister was having a grad party. Steffi came to after a while and we played Dead or Alive on his xbox. I was pretty sucky at it but it was fun anyways!

My parents came back from Heidelberg the next day, and André’s mom made us this great lunch of fish we’d never even heard of. So good! Actually she cooked for us all week and she’s so good at it. I hope I can learn to cook one day! After lunch we went to a big mall called Centro and shopped for a bit. I found a really great purse and this makes me very happy because I’ve been scouring Calgary to no avail for one. All in all, a good shopping trip. We went out for dinner one last time and then headed home for our last night in Germany. Sad! The next morning we more or less just left for the airport after breakfast. I hate saying goodbye to André but I’m looking forward to a time when we can just be together and stop counting days.

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