Category: SAIT

Cold Cheese Night

Cold Cheese Night

To my knowledge, nothing much interesting happened last week… or at least, not enough to write about. Ummm… Well, one thing moderately interesting! My Asian buddy in my class talks about his girlfriend a...

Print Shop Tours

Print Shop Tours

This has been a pretty good week I suppose. On Tuesday I went on a tour of West Canadian printing and Orange Door the ad agency. It was awesome and I’d love to work...

Finest Hour in Math

Finest Hour in Math

Today was my finest hour in math, but I had to be quiet about it so that I would not get beat up after class! Yes my friends, we have started linear systems. Well,...

Je m’ennuie.

Je m’ennuie.

Je suis sûr que je n’ai fait rien aujourd’hui. R-I-E-N. Je ne me suis pas même habillé. Hah… Tout que je était fait deux CDs. (Cette phrase traduit très mal…) Hmm. Il n’y a...



So, for a minute I thought I had another idea for my vague visual English assignment, but then I realized that I actually had no true evidence of any sort to prove my thesis,...

Mana Tree

Mana Tree

This morning I met up with Veronica on the train, it was so cool! I haven’t seen her in forever it seems. She’s at the U of C dance program now, so that’s awesome....

The Grudge

The Grudge

Yikes, it has been a week since my last entry, so I must again try to think about all the stuff that happened. Tuesday and Wednesday at school went by pretty quickly since then...

Don’t Corrupt Her!

Don’t Corrupt Her!

Okay! Today was cool for a Monday! Well, most of it. Like, this morning while solving basic algebra equations in math, I was thinking about how exactly five months ago, right down to the...

Weekend in Lethbridge

Weekend in Lethbridge

This weekend in Lethbridge was pretty much better than I thought it would be. Derek and Yolayne’s new house is gorgeous! And I hadn’t seen my cousins in forever, either. I got to meet...

Lime Green

Lime Green

I don’t know why, but I totally felt out of it this afternoon. At school it was like… I was in no state to be interacting with other humans. I was just… bored maybe?...