Laser Quest
I’ve just come back from Laser Quest, it was so fun! Mark came with me again, and if Dillon would have been there we would have had our codenames as Pokemon again but he...
I’ve just come back from Laser Quest, it was so fun! Mark came with me again, and if Dillon would have been there we would have had our codenames as Pokemon again but he...
May is going to be a super and action-packed month, I can tell. Fun, but stressful at the same time… for example, my trigonometry unit test is tomorrow. I’m so not ready for it....
A beautiful day, my friends. Today my multimedia teacher obtained for himself a desperately needed reality check; it dawned on him (finally) that trueSpace is, in fact, not working out, so we’re moving onto...
Awe man, that was so cool! We were watching the hockey game at youth group—a bunch of guys, and Robyn and me (well, after Cailee went to dance). At one point all the guys...
I’m not sure what it is, but I’ve been feeling a bit off lately. Kind of down. It’s just a bunch of little things that are compounding (as is usual with my type of...
Wow! You are currently viewing high school journal entry number three hundred! To celebrate, I will say ‘journal’ three hundred times! Well, actually, I’ll spare you all that fun and move on. Yesterday was...
What I said yesterday about needing to graduate that very day… I didn’t think it would almost actually happen. Meaning, I received my high school diploma in the mail yesterday. It’s so strange! All...
Is it just me, or does it seem like it was just Wednesday? I mean… you know… less than a week ago? Slowly going crazy… Anyway, things have been going pretty well… apart from...
Today was not too bad of a day, for a Monday, all things considered. This will be hard to explain, and I’m not sure if I’m the only one (probably not) but I get...
So I seem to have been slightly preoccupied (read: blinded by hate) yesterday afternoon, and therefore did not accurately talk about the other things that happened this week. Not that it was a crazy...