Category: Grade 12



Chemistry is kicking my butt this year. I hate it, I hate it so much. In combination, the hard work and the detail-obsessed teacher is causing my mark to plummet. Oh, God I’m so...

Bad Feeling

Bad Feeling

It’s just the most terrible feeling ever. You know sometimes you get the air from someone that they don’t really like you, but they put on the pretense of liking you because they kind...

Just One More Year

Just One More Year

Two-day weekends are not enough. I propose that grade twelve students get Fridays and Mondays off as well. And Wednesdays to avoid double chemistry. The point is that I have a great big weekend...

Don’t Touch Art

Don’t Touch Art

Hmm, let’s see. Things are going pretty well with me right now. School is becoming slightly crappy. We have this one student teacher in art who’s changing rules and stuff. Bugs me. You can...

So Not Cool

So Not Cool

Being sick is so not cool. Apart from being sick, this week has gone pretty well except that Angie is gone. Which sucks just like being sick sucks. But school is still alright. I...

Love My Birthday

Love My Birthday

I love my birthday. I love it because everyone I know is awesome and makes my birthday great for me. It makes me so happy. I love everyone. The grand opening of the church...

General Summary

General Summary

After being in school for a bit over a week, here is my general summary. Art class is going to be the best class ever and I’m going to freakin’ cry when it’s over....

With Her People

With Her People

The first week of school went pretty well! The best part was on Wednesday when Mr. Korns personally moved Jen from second semester art into our class. I will never forget that! In his...

Grade Twelve

Grade Twelve

So August is over and September has come. This is the last day of summer, so it’s time for my back to school goals and expectations entry. First and foremost: I resolve to embrace...