Category: Grade 11

Out of Place

Out of Place

I should be happy. I mean, there’s four more days of school until holidays and classes were alright. But as soon as a few things go wrong in my day, my spirits tend to...

Busy But Good

Busy But Good

I feel like I sound like a broken record lately!! My entries have been along these lines for awhile: Life is busy but still really good. Once the Christmas holidays arrive I’ll have something...

Shopping and Complaining (Less)

Shopping and Complaining (Less)

Had today off so I went shopping with my mom. We’re doing this thing in Peer Support where we buy presents and Christmas dinner for a family in need. So today I got a...

School is Insane

School is Insane

Things have been nuts. School is insane. So many projects due this week! But I finished the two huge ones, in Bio and French. And even better, I finished Cindy’s site as well; I...

O Neg

O Neg

You know… I am amused way too easily. 1. So I walk into Bio with Vee, and see that the topic on the overhead is ‘Blood Types’. I tell Vee in mock excitement that...

Productive Day!

Productive Day!

Today is going to be my productive day! I’m going to make a ‘to-do’ list and finish everything on it before church at 6:00. Yes… Two days of weekend is not enough. By the...

Tiny Breath

Tiny Breath

Whew, finally a tiny breath of fresh air. Things have been fast-paced, non-stop and stressful for awhile. Mainly, the two big stress-factors being school and the site I’m being paid to do. But those...

Location is Everything

Location is Everything

I hate where I sit in French. I don’t hate the people around me; I don’t hate my teacher; I don’t hate my desk, but I do hate where it is. Far back, far...

Slow Day

Slow Day

Today was so slow… double French didn’t really help. Nothing too funny happened today either. There was a pep rally but my class wasn’t signed up to go… but that’s alright.

I Cannot Help But Love You

I Cannot Help But Love You

Sometimes I think we take God’s power for granted. Or the fact that he hears Christian prayers for granted. It’s hit me recently, just how lucky I am to have such a foundation. To...