Category: Grade 11

A List

A List

Ah, I’ve been done exams for a few days and it feels pretty good. And right when I thought I had nothing to stress over apart from chemistry and math (which I have next...

A Bigger Plan

A Bigger Plan

Sometimes I feel like I just can’t do it. It’s hard, alright, I know it is. But it all comes down to the fact that without God in the picture, there is absolutely no...

Last French Class

Last French Class

Yes! Last day of French class ever! Ever! Muahaha! The full idea of it hasn’t even hit me yet. To think… after eight years of French class… no more! I’m done! To look back...

Irreducible Complexity

Irreducible Complexity

Just two more evolution classes to go before exams start. Friday was a bit better. One of the questions on the mini-quiz at the start of class was: True or false: evolution is so...



The last few Biology classes have been pretty strange. We started evolution this week, and having a devoted evolutionist as a teacher has made it a bit one-sided. I’d venture as far as ‘propaganda’,...

Final Exams

Final Exams

This week and next week are going to be pretty stressful: littered with final exams. The worst is French since there are three separate parts to it. Social is also stressful because I have...

Dustin’s 18th

Dustin’s 18th

Today I did: Nothing. But yesterday I went to Canada Olympic Park for Dustin’s 18th birthday party and then over to Julie’s for pizza and ice cream cake. It was awesome! Except that I...

Why Christmas Rocked

Why Christmas Rocked

The last day of school was great, mostly games and cookies and movies and last period was canceled. What’s not to like? The two Christmas parties I went to: Party One [Bible Study Group]...

Quiz Coupon Opportunity

Quiz Coupon Opportunity

Yes!! Period 7/8 (French) was cancelled and the Christmas holidays are finally here!! Today in Bio we were about to do the daily mini-quiz and Miss Van der Poel said we could work with...

Almost Over

Almost Over

School is almost over! Just three more days to go! And on Friday we’re having a party in French—we’re watching the Grinch! I’m so loaded up with Bio homework though. You read my agenda...