Going So Well
Things have been going so well for me lately. I have the best classes/teachers ever. I’ve formally stopped wearing mascara to school, because every single day I laugh so hard at something that I...
Things have been going so well for me lately. I have the best classes/teachers ever. I’ve formally stopped wearing mascara to school, because every single day I laugh so hard at something that I...
My Bio teacher is so cool! She’s so enthusiastic all the time about everything. About exocytosis for goodness sake! And she’s got one of those infectious smiles… like when she smiles, I smile too...
I got my kitty! This is the day I’ve waited for my whole entire life and now it’s here! She doesn’t have a name yet but we chose the dark tabby. She’s so adorable!...
Things are looking good in the area of my getting one of Sarah’s kittens! That girl is so funny; she wants us to take two kittens for some reason, and she told my mom...
Wow—I was just at the church and they’re finally demolishing it. It was really cool, they’re using this crane thing since they can’t use a wrecking ball or anything because we’re keeping the sanctuary....
So tell me, are things ever going to be boring again? So much is happening all at once, and even if it’s just a bunch of little things, good and bad, it really makes...
Homework in all four subjects on the first full day of school! Someone help me! Actually, today went really well. I think I’ve got good teachers, but it is hard to tell on the...
The first day of school went pretty well but it wasn’t anything like last year. Today was way less scary than the first day of grade ten was. That day’s fears were more, ‘Wow,...
Lord, I stand here before you on the night before my next great adventure. I’m praying now over every aspect of this year, but several in general. I pray for the staff at my...