Category: Gemini

I Hear it Singing So Clear

I Hear it Singing So Clear

Invisible. Like the sound of the wind,       We all know you are there. Last night I went to Cathie’s place with Josh and Mark and Flo for a party because RoMo...

When I Sparkle Within

When I Sparkle Within

The mists that cloud me, be sure that I am lost in you.      Lost without a trace… Busy. I have been so busy! It’s bad. I probably need some wind-down time. I guess it’s...

Angels Fall Without You There

Angels Fall Without You There

All because… I’ve become what you became to me. These past few months have gone by incredibly fast. Even though it feels like I started as a youth leader just yesterday, it’s already been...

This Moment is Less Important

This Moment is Less Important

Than the story I will tell about it later. I don’t fully know the implications of what I’m talking about today (or ever), but I thought I’d mention it. Cameras are dirt cheap these...

Could You Forgive Yourself

Could You Forgive Yourself

   If you left her just the way you found her? I’ll stand in front of you, and take the force of the blow—       Protection I don’t know if there’s such a thing as damsel...

You Kick My Foot Under the Table

You Kick My Foot Under the Table

I kick you back. I can’t say I’m able    to stand for you, or fall for you, ever again. Things are starting to fall into a routine now, and that makes me happy. We...

Mom & Dad, I’m Fine, How Are You?

Mom & Dad, I’m Fine, How Are You?

I have a joined a small circus, that much is true.    I’m a little malnourished, but try to relax.      Could you find a better photo for the milk carton backs? Send money. Living at...