Semester Two

The assessment of semester two:

English class is going to be awesome. From the looks of it, the workload will be similar to last year (so, like… none.) and I’m friends with most of the class already, featuring Mark, Janice, Bri, Kitty, Geoff, Kendell, Scott and Bobbi. My teacher seems nice so far, is British (and has corresponding accent!), and has never taught AP English before. Mua. Muaha. Muahahaha!

Art is also going to rock, and that’s because art is awesome and I have Kim and Jen there, too! Mr. Korns, who I had last year is really funny. He remembered my name!

Chem I’m not quite so optimistic about. My teacher appears to be personable so far but she strikes me as the type you really don’t want to cross. So I’m just going to do all the work and keep my mouth shut. However, as far as classmates go, I’m very, very happy: Brett the Great Payne, Nick, Jessica and Dean. And Andrew who was in my Science 10 class and is so hilarious!

Math would be better if we didn’t have to sit in alphabetical order all year—I have Meagan, Mandeep and Chrissy in my class but the first two sit on the other side of the room. Luckily for me, Chrissy sits right behind me so I’m not completely lonely.

The bad things: I no longer have classes with Aman, Sarah, Vee, Lesley, or Peter Rabbit (Jamie Lappin). I’m going to miss those guys! I also had great teachers last semester and things are going to suck without them until I get used to my new teachers.

The good things: I love my classes and will probably like my teachers eventually too… I mean, I even warmed up to Mr. O’Brien by the end of Social 10.

I miss semester one so much! I even… I even… miss… French! But especially social and bio.

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