No One’s Gonna Take Me Alive

The time has come to make things right.
You and I must fight for our rights,
You and I must fight to survive.

Guess what I did two Saturdays ago? That’s right, I bought a guitar! It’s a lovely guitar and I love it. One of the strings sounds a little buzzy to me but at the store they said to play it for a month and then I can bring it back for free setup. That sounds good to me! So, I still pretty much suck at playing my guitar but I’m trying to practice every day and I think I’m getting better. And once my brother orders and receives his hammered dulcimer, we’re going to totally learn songs together and it’s going to rule!

I’m psyched!!

I read Clan of the Cave Bear last week and I finished it last night. I loved it, I’m a bit surprised that I made it all the way through high school having never heard of it before. It really seems like the type of thing they’d have you read in school because it’d be pretty easy to write essays on. Or I should say, it lends itself to high school essays. Either way, yeah, cool book! I’m drawing a picture of it to hone my sweet vector skills.

One of my co-workers quit last Friday and that sucks for me. She was the only one I could team up with to bore my boss Phil to pieces with, talking about the difference between gnomes and dwarves, and how great vampires are, and zombie movies. It was good times. The other reason this sucks is that I’m going to have to cover the phones a lot more again. And we all know how much I love answering phones. I hope the next person they hire is a girl because it seems to be an unspoken canon that boys don’t need to answer phones. We used to have two boys that worked for us, but considering they were pretty busy playing Gunbound and Counterstrike during work hours… maybe they would have sucked at answering the phones anyways. Either way, the blissful times of going days at a time without having to cover phones are over for me, for a while at least.

In other news… this weekend I saw Jupiter through my telescope! Along with Callisto, Ganymede, Europa and Io. I actually could see them! So exciting, I took a picture of them but I think I can get a better one. That’ll be one of my telescope projects… getting a great picture of Jupiter. Saturn still eludes me somehow but I think it might just be that the prime viewing times for Saturn were before I got my telescope. But there’s always next year!

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