Been in Love Since You Were Twenty-one

You haven’t laughed since January.
You try and make like this is so much fun,
But we know it to be quite contrary.

So, it’s now been 121 days since I’ve seen André. And it’s been really tough, obviously… and hard to think that this is how it could be for pretty much another year. But we’re managing! Next week I’m going to Germany for nine days for a visit and it’s going to be sweet! I’ll be there for the one-year anniversary of the day we met, May 19, which is also, incidentally, the night of the full moon! Pretty cool, I think!

We’re going to try to make it over to Cleves for one of the days, and this will be very exciting for the part of me that’s on a big Tudor England kick right now. (Cleves is in Germany but Henry VIII’s fourth wife was from Cleves… or Kleve as I should learn to call it.) I’m really psyched! But even if we don’t make it there, even if we did no sight-seeing, it’ll be great just to see André again.

What else is new? Hmm, well I ended up transferring my mage to Kel’Thuzad in WoW after all. I’m glad I did! It’s sweet to play with everyone from church. I was kind of avoiding it because I didn’t want to change Nepenthe’s name, but André and I thought of something just as nice: Calanthe. Actually, last night I was looking at it and it looks like… Colette + André + Nepenthe = Calanthe. But really we just found it on a baby name site. Anyways, I’m pretty darn proud of myself because Sunday and Tuesday I ran Karazhan with the boys and didn’t make a total fool of myself! I only died a few times. I got some nice items but I’m still waiting for my staff to drop off Curator. That, or my dagger from… I forget who. But yeah. Sweet!

I think I’ve told everyone this already, but I did buy my lovely telescope a few weeks back! The guy was like, “enjoy your telescope! It’ll be cloudy for two weeks now, though, that’s just the way it goes!” He was so right. I have gotten a great view of the moon though. Wow, amazing! I can also adeptly locate Saturn and Mars now, for the time being anyways. I’m still learning the ins and outs of the telescope itself. I think I’m doing something wrong because I can’t see Saturn’s rings. Hopefully I’ll figure it out soon though, probably after Germany.

It was raining last night and I really love it when I can listen to rain at night. I was thinking… if one can listen to rain all night but wake up dry in the morning, he is blessed indeed. We have a lot to be thankful for.

In other news, I made probably the prettiest Slurpee colour combination I’ve ever made yesterday. It was two parts Coke and one part blue raspberry. Actually, it was quite ugly at first. But then the blue at the top got a bit sucked-out so it looked a little gradient, and once the majority of the Coke was gone and mixed in with the blue quite a bit, it looked like an under-sea cavern or something. It was really cool. You know, you can say a lot about my life, but it is never boring! Ha ha…

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