Magic Missile! Magic Missile!

I’m out of mana! I need a potion!

Wow, I’ve really gotten out of this posting habit. Two months! Life’s been good since I posted last. Happily, I’ve only been tormented by one other dream since that one. But anyways!

September and October were great. I turned 21 (less of a milestone here in Canada I guess) and worked and played… oh we got Guitar Hero III when it released. It’s awesome and fun! I’m going to work up to beating that last DragonForce song on expert and then I’ll be a real rock legend. Yeah! This was my first GH try, last Sunday when we got it. I’m pretty bad at it still. Mike and André and Justin have experience from other similar guitar games, but I hope to catch up fast. The DDR skills transfer quite a bit, I just need to create those neural pathways so that when my brain sees a note it automatically moves my fingers. That’s how it is for Stepmania anyways!

André and I went to Theatre Calgary last night to see the play Vigil and it was pretty funny. I realized I have quite a twisted mind and like that dark humor. Oh well!

Tonight we’re going to our Halloween party at Kim’s place. Halloween was postponed until today because of school and things, but we’re having it and that’s all that matters! It’s a themed party, we’re all going as D&D LARPers. I’m going as a Ranger and André’s going as a Mage. So fun! I made a health potion out of Kool-aid!

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