Teach Me Passion
Yesterday was a rather generic-type Thursday. After work I went to ultimate frisbee for the first time in a while. It was too hot at first but it was better once the sun set a bit. There were quite a few people there who I didn’t know, too. I’m pretty glad that I got Alex and Mark and Kim to come that first time, because that lead to Crystal and Joel and their friends coming, too.
I think I’m in one of those bad moods that I get when several similar negative things happen all at once and it gets me down. Today’s issue that I’m pissed about is when people say stupid things that hurt people’s feelings. Maybe they don’t even mean to or maybe they’re interpreted wrong, but it doesn’t change that the interpretation did make someone feel bad. Isn’t it time that we all stopped saying stupid things like that? I hate how everyone, myself included as always, has to keep up this prideful barrier to feel alright about themselves. Let’s stop pointing out people’s faults and un-talents unless it’s constructive.
Language is too powerful a tool to be used so thoughtlessly.
And really, since I don’t have much of a backbone in matters like these and have perpetual trouble with confrontation, my only defense in cases like this is to think, shut up, you ass, repeatedly. I have to truly make an effort not to be bitter.