The Happy Ones Are Near

Today was kind of sucky and wicked at the same time. I got to work pretty early so I figured I’d just sit up in scow for a while and listen to music and maybe read a periodical. I was very happy, though, to find a Star magazine with a blank crossword puzzle among the newspapers and decade-old People magazines. Yes, easily pleased, I know.

I was grieved to know from looking at the schedule yesterday that I was working fries with whiny Megan. But when I got in, it was written on the white board that I was actually working burgers. That made me happy, because I don’t like scooping fries. I found out shortly after that whiny girl had not come in to work because she’d forgotten, or not checked her shifts or something. Anyways, Sarah helped me on burgers and Alex on fries, which worked out way better for me… because Sarah is: 1. fast; 2. a stoic, (like I hope I am. She doesn’t whine about things — she deals with them); and 3. not Megan.

Even though we were two people short in back of house, we still crashed front and got free ice cream. I love life.

Crashing front was pretty hard, though. I didn’t even have time to check my watch until after one, which is exceedingly rare, let me assure you. In all truth, the only thing that saved me, allowed me to actually keep the window stocked for most of the rush, was that the fry holder had caught on fire earlier that morning and Alex was making do with two inserts and portable heat lamps. They were very, very awkward and it slowed things down a lot. Since fries come before burgers, there was quite a hold up. I hope they fix that thing soon, though, because having two extra heat lamps around really doesn’t help the back of house Kitamba is boiling hot in the summer issue.

Since Doug is amazing, he let me go home early so that I could get a ride home with Alex. I went to Angie’s with Cailee this evening to get the rundown on things; we’re going to be house sitting for a week and a bit! It’s going to be awesome.

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