Stoicism: A Virtue Badly In Need of Reviving

On Thursday I went to the Folk Fest and it was great! Before Hawksley was up, there were a few other groups on stage and one of them (Instinkt) was particularly good, so we bought their CD. Aw, Hawkers is so fun to watch live! But he didn’t sing for very long, which was a little sad. Still, it was a good night!

Then, ugh, Friday. I was on burger assembly with the whiny girl. Truly, she didn’t let up all day, complaining about hating work and being tired and having a headache, this and that. By closing time she was simply intolerable so I started avidly avoiding her. I was actually happy when Cheryl got Kate and me to scrub the dried burger blood off the freezer floor, because it meant a lapse in the tragic whimpering of Megan. But, seriously. Show some stoicism. No one wants to mop the floor any more than you do, but we’re all being paid to work here, so it’s time to stop openly complaining. And, it’s hard to have much sympathy when we’ve all been working at least half an hour longer than you today.

It just makes me wonder, you know? Why work a job you hate so much?

Anyways, yesterday I went downtown with Jen and we just went into a few stores on 17th ave. It was great, looking in that store with so many journals and cute napkins and miniature things and pens and old-style toys and baby accessories. I love that store; I think it’s my new favourite.

Ed’s message at church was fantastic. I love that guy. I will be eternally happy if he ends up being the acting pastor at my wedding some day. After church I went to Burger King with some of the ultimate frisbee-ers.

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