I Solemnly Swear…

Augh! Longest day of work ever… seemed longer than Wednesdays, even. It was actually going pretty fast until we were closing. No one had done dishes all day, and there were five of us closing; however, three of them were n00bs. (Matt was pissed, you could tell, at the scheduling. I was, too.) So, basically, I just had to plow through the dishes as fast as I could while poor Matt had to contend with constant n00b teaching. And, one of the front of house n00bs took, like, half an hour cleaning out the condiment things in the only remotely-free sink, which totally dragged me down. The worst thing about frustration like that is that you can’t direct it at anyone! You can’t be mad at people for being new! Still, there was that one thing:

So while I was in the middle of doing dishes like there was no tomorrow (as though I would be doing dishes if I knew there’d be no tomorrow…), one of the n00bs fills up two of the buckets full of all-purpose cleaner and then tells me, “Okay, I’ve filled up two buckets… to clean the floors with… here they are…” and looks at me meaningfully. And then walks out. I shrugged it off for a few minutes before I paused in a state of complete dubious awe: Did she mean for me to do the floors? Ahah… ahah… ha ha ha haaa! Even now as I type this, there is a huge grin on my face. Sorry, little n00b! Don’t think so!

It did make me a little mad that I was doing dishes for two full hours and then when I got back to the hog dog kingdom, none of them had even wiped down the stainless steel (the easiest thing to do). I don’t know. It’s just… you’re looking for things you know how to do… And if I’m not mistaken, one of them told me to hurry up with the dishes (I couldn’t quite hear her over the dishwasher). Bloody n00bs. Even Penny was having a full-out meltdown: “Just let me go hooome!!” Heh.


I’m seriously psyched/paranoid about this epic 1v1 against Matt in Warcraft III (which is probably going down this Thursday). I have to admit, at the beginning I was thinking, “pfft. This is so in the bag.” But now… I can tell by how he talks that he’s not a bumbling n00b like half the people on battle.net. So I can honestly say that it could go either way. But I am going to be so nervous that I know I’ll probably choke (see: speed in box-making races).

Just nine more days of work until I am basking in Windermere sunshine.

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