Please Hold for The Legend of Max

Well today was pretty darn awesome! I came in about a half an hour late for press class because… I didn’t want to wake up early so I caught a ride in with my mom instead of my dad. It was fine though, and really I only missed setting up the press. I helped with the clean-up though.

But then the awesome began! Ranjit and I ate lunch on our beloved window ledge in the heart building and then we discovered that there was a note on our classroom door that said class had been canceled. Since we’d have to wait more than two hours for the next class, we talked to that teacher and she canceled her class too, because the other group of graphic students will eventually fall behind ours from all the holiday Mondays. I was so happy! My long Wednesday was over! Then the best part: I went with Ranjit and Alessandra and Kelly and Roslyn and Melodie to Chinook to play DDR! It was great! (There was a kid there who got an A on the Legend of Max while talking on his cellphone, and he did Max 300 backwards which means he’s memorized it. Yikes.)

Anyways, then Kim and Jen came over tonight, but we watched American Idol because Lost was a re-run. Oh, those crazy singers.

I’ve decided that I really am going to do my webcomic. At least the introduction to it. There are huge gaps in the main plot I will have to fill in, but for now I just have to start. I want it to be cool and cel-shady. And I have to think of a name! That will be the hardest part. Hmm. I will call it… uh… I don’t know.

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