Print Shop Tours

This has been a pretty good week I suppose. On Tuesday I went on a tour of West Canadian printing and Orange Door the ad agency. It was awesome and I’d love to work there. I think I’ll probably submit my resume to them after this first year of SAIT. WC is better than Apache and Transcon because it is a digital print shop so that means no smelly and noisy offset lithography presses! Yeah, the only thing is that photocopiers tend to despise me… I learned that while working at ATCO. Speaking of, it would be ironic if I got a job at WC because I had to walk past it every day on the way to ATCO and I always thought, “man… wish I worked there…” So, yeah.

Nothing else exciting really happened for the rest of the week. On my way home from school on Friday I met up with Mike and Tyler on the train, and then we met up with Mark at the bus stop. So that was cool, since it was like high school, all riding the bus together and stuff.

Yesterday I met Jen at TD Square to, that’s right, go shopping! It took forever to get there, though, since the transit is slow on weekends. Plus, my bus driver missed a turn-off and made us late for the next train. This one lady was a total cow about it; like the bus driver didn’t feel dumb enough as it were. That lady needs to be in my PSC class to learn how to control her anger, hah! Anways, shopping with Jen was fun as usual, but she got mad at me when I made fun of her for ‘awwe-ing’ everything that was cute. Hee hee!

After church I went to Brewsters with my brother and the Buzan boys. I wish Jen’s bookstore was open at those times, so I could retreat when the conversation lacked… not that that happens. Well, I mean, it doesn’t lack so much as… it is boring at times. I can only hear about so much anime.

Today was also fun. We finally gave Sarah her birthday present and then I went for coffee with Mark and Kim. Good times.

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